List of Monsanto Owned Food Producers & The Ten Corporations that Own Most Food Products

photo for monsanto list

List of companies that use Monsanto products.

“In light of the recent public anger over the Monsanto Protection Act, here’s a simple, list of companies that use Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your money isn’t going to Monsanto and also watch out for the health of your family and yourself.” via


for printable list go to…

Ten Corporations own almost everything we buy.

10 companies own it all

FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 462 “The Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act” or Their LOL @ Silly Citizens

by B. Brown

What is in the name “The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act”, passed by Congress on July 24, 2015? Absolutely nothing truthful. The act is neither safe or accurate. Why give false titles to laws being passed? Is it for posterity? Is it so that the people not yet born will look back and think, well Congress passed a Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act. Will they think George Bush’s Administration was patriotic because they passed the Patriot Act? Will they think Obama stood for freedom, while his Freedom Act continues to violate our right to basic privacy? Sadly, these names are used because they know a great number of people are not paying attention.

Here are the votes for the  “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act,”, it is more appropriately known as the “Dark Act” because it Denies Americans the Right to Know if their food is genetically modified.. Monsanto paid to keep our food from being labeled. Congress sided with Monsanto not with you. The following link will show how your representative voted.

Monsanto and You

by B. Brown

Once understood,  the issue of American farmers being forced to grow Monsanto genetically modified seeds or nothing at all is appalling. Today we know Monsanto (GMO) products and their Round-up Ready Seeds make up the largest percentage of food in grocery stores. If a farmer’s crops were contaminated with Monsanto seeds the corporation will sue the farmer and win in court. It didn’t matter that the farmer did not want the GMO seeds. The Monsanto crops can contaminate fields miles away. Then President Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act.  Why the blatant violation of rights with no one looking out for the people? A monster corporation was given protection against any wrongdoing by the President. Labels are not required on the food identifying what it is, taking away the consumer’s choice in what they eat.  We watch as poor countries refuse to allow Monsanto into their country, Monsanto is thriving because many are lazy. States continuously refuse to pass laws that require the labeling of GMO’s.  We are loosing our rights, all the way down to the food we put on the table.

I wondered what Obama’s family was eating. Then I remembered the proud moment of the first Black family moving into the White House. I recalled Michelle Obama’s first days when she planted a large organic garden on the grounds of the White House. I remembered thinking it is without a doubt a message. The message was her husband is protecting Monsanto, but they aren’t eating it.

The monster story of the monster corporation, at the heart of our food consumption is answered in Agenda 21. You see  Agenda 21 tells us that farms are not sustainable, grazing of cattle is not sustainable, therefore a sanctioned monopoly aka Monsanto will be responsible for what we eat. You will not grow a garden in the future. (See article, “Agenda 21 Made Easy”) How far have we progressed on Agenda 21?  Also, how long will our bodies be the research project for Monsanto?

Agenda 21 Made Easy

by B. Brown

  • The document Agenda 21 came from the United Nations.
  •  Is supported and underway in most countries of the world.
  • Agenda 21 is a structure for a global government.
  • Is implemented on the local levels in the United States.  You are eased into something made to look like it is to help the environment, but it is a document designed to take away your rights and usher in the one world government.
  • Agenda 21 outlines how the world will be governed, from a global government down to a community handlers.
  • Words used in the document to trick you are “green”,  “sustainable”, “social justice” and “socially unjust”.  If you want to live under a regime akin to Nazi Germany this is the way to go. It is supported and implemented by Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama.
  • Under Agenda 21 you cannot own property, because everyone can’t own a house.  Under Agenda 21 that would be socially unjust.
  • The purpose of Agenda 21 is equal distribution of all resources. This is socialism. Capitalism failed when it became legal for a millionaire or a corporation to purchase a politician.
  • Under Agenda 21 there are sanctioned monopolies.
  • If it is illegal to own property where will you live,  Agenda 21 will take people  from the suburbs and move them to the cities.  They want the tax dollars in the cities.  People are to live in apartment or stacked dwellings because this is sustainable, and sharing the resources equitably.
  • Under Agenda 21 you need a license to have children.

Below, link to Agenda 21 document

Patriot Act vs The US Freedom Act

by B. Brown

So let’s see how the Patriot Act morphed into the US Freedom Act.  The Patriot Act allowed government to collect all of your cell phone data and internet data by massive bulk gathering.  See my post on “The Computers Are Listening: How the NSA Converts Spoken Word Into Searchable Text“. One difference between the two pieces of legislation is the place where the bulk data is stored.  Under the Patriot Act the data is stored on government servers.  Under the Freedom Act the phone companies must store your cell phone calls on their servers.  So the difference is privatized storing. How does the government get access to the calls under the US Freedom Act?  The secret FISA court approves what the NSA request.  Out of 33,000 request for records, the FISA court has only turned down 11 request. The NSA is not new to spying, it has always done it illegally.  Bush introduced the Patriot Act so they could bypass the FISA court.

The FISA court is told by the NSA they do not have the security clearance to know the reason the NSA  wants to retrieve data.  The FISA court accepts this, and gives the NSA permission to receive the data.  This is what stands between citizens and the collection of their phone records, this law and a secret court.

How many threats to the US have been recovered during this mass surveillance of US citizens? One in 12 or 14 years, David Headley, in Mubai. The one person wasn’t even a result of NSA surveillance.

Do you think the two billion dollar infrastructure in Utah is going to shut down, or any part of it is not in use because of the differences between the Patriot Act and the US Freedom Act?


MSM and the NWO

by B. Brown

I am not shocked by Ted Turner’s comment,”It is a good thing that more military personnel are dying from suicide than combat”. I am no more shocked about that, than I am shocked about Bill Gate’s advancing vaccinations around the world.  If you don’t understand what I am saying you have a lot of work to do. I’ll tell you what grabbed my attention in the following video.  Piers Morgan asked Ted Turner what was America’s place in the New World Order. How long has the mainstream media been admitting there is a New World Order? This video is three years old. If they are admitting it, there should not be anyone left who thinks the New World Order is a conspiracy theory.  MSM or mainstream media is one factor that divided people who are awake and people with their heads in the sand.  If their beloved MSM is using the terminology there should be nothing to separate us.


Court Rules Cell Phone Data Isn’t Yours


by B. Brown

Are Fourth Amendment rights being violated when the police are able to collect standing cell phone data without a search warrant?  No, according to Eleventh Circuit Court, they find that the non-content cell phone data belongs to the third-party, the cell phone company. Even though it concerns you it does not belong to you. They think of it somewhat like a surveillance camera in a store, it concerns you, but it does not belong to you. The cell tower records were stored by the cell phone company, and stored on its tower. But as I’ve mentioned this is non-content data (no personal conversations were stored). This type of information obtained can give the location of the defendant. It can also give your location.

It is my understanding that it is normal for law-enforcement to use these records without a search warrant. A year ago the same court ruled this was a violation of the Fourth Amendment.  This year the court ruled that historical cell records are not protected by the Fourth Amendment under the third-party doctrine.

On this TYT video, the reporter said, “I do not own my car, I do not own my house, the bank does”.   What if the banks decide to cooperate with the government like the cell phone companies? Isn’t that a novel thought, banks and government helping each other.